Monday, 29 June 2020

Traitswapper TG Caption: All The Traits Of A MILF...


  1. Funny thing with the Trait swapper things got out of hand so much Mom now a 25yr young man and me a 30yr old Milf with big tits his hormones got to him and me and we dropped the mother son idea and we became lovers to the point one day Rebeca now Robert came home from work, and me tony now Toni told him that I was pregnant with his first son or maybe grandson you pick.

  2. Would anyone happen to have the model's name (you know, for research purposes)?

  3. wickedly funny. I love it that 'he' calls 'her' MOm at the end

  4. I quite agree, I would love to know the name of the model

  5. I think it would have been cool if his mom had found a way to make her his slave

  6. Can you please tell us the name of the model, we are all dying to know

  7. I was wondering where you found this photo. (By the way I loved the caption. It was just the perfect combo of everything).

  8. I would love to see a part 2 to this caption, also does this mean he is technically dating/married to his dad?


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