Saturday 25 September 2021

Bodyswap TG Caption: Entertaining His Sister's Friends...



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  3. Six months later, Max was coming out of the bathroom following a long shower when his father's body stopped him and gave him the good news. "Max, it's really me, I am back in my body. Your littlest sister is a toddler again, your mother is in her body and Now it's just Chelsea and you to get swapped back. I called her and she will be home from work at midnight. Be sure you're back home by then so we can put this whole mess behind us, okay?"

    Max was a bit taken back. He was sure his father would never fix the machine, not while wearing the body of 3 year old Maddie. His mother had been wearing his father's body and had her hands full keeping track of her 3 year old daughter who was swapped into the mother's body.

    Max had been getting ready for a date with Greg. They had become a couple, albeit in secret. After almost getting caught with a "date" Max aske Greg to help him keep his sexy and horny sister's body satisfied. Greg agreed gladly and they became very close.

    "Okay Daddy, I mean Dad. I'll be here. I'm just going to the movies with Shelia and Brittaney."

    Max's father nodded but he was most concerned about his older children. Chelsea had taken to being a boy quickly. She had gotten a job at a factory on the swing shift and he suspected she was dating her former BFF, Kylie.

    Max was more of a concern. He had become very feminine and acted more like a pretty teenaged girl than the real Chelsea had.

    When midnight came and went with neither of the swapped siblings at home, neither of the parents were surprised. Chelsea called the next day to tell them she was keeping Max's life and moving in with Kiley. Max sent a text message from Las Vegas with a picture of he and Greg getting married by an Elvis impersonator.

  4. I'm sure Max could have used Chelsea's body to convince dad not to change them back. No need to run off to Vegas.

  5. Chelsea is going to be pretty upset if she ever gets her body back.


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