Saturday, 6 November 2021

Aunt TG Caption: Celebrating His Re-Birthday!



  1. I love the aunt body swap, please do more

  2. I have a former co worker who looks almost exactly like this lovely woman, hair color and everything except my friend is less well endowed.

  3. I just re read the cap and I noticed the shift in the last half of the final graph. Darren stopped referring to himself as he and him and started using her and she. Plus, Chris is a true friend, that makes him a keeper. Looks like Darren has a yard full of friends there to support her.

    I'd suggest a continuation for this cap but I think what Chris and Darren do tonight in the privacy of Darren's bedroom is strictly between them.

  4. The funny coincidence is that the model's name is Miranda. she's an actress named Miranda Kerr.

    1. Wrong. Dakota Blue Richards


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